On-Demand: Priority One: Raising the Bar for Simulation and Training Systems

Aired May 4, 2021

Given the complexity involved, integrating global and local simulation and training systems is difficult under the best of circumstances. For starters, legacy simulators use different standards for data, voice and video. In addition, modern architectures demand the use of cloud-based and distributed assets. Meanwhile, new security requirements are forcing integrators to suddenly become experts in information assurance.

So how can systems integrators keep pace and limit integration time to meet all of these demanding and data-intensive requirements?

For mission-critical defense systems, training environments that can be quickly assembled and reconfigured from ready-made components and networks are priority one. These training environments are currently also the main driver for major initiatives such as the U.S. Army’s STE and the USAF’s SCARS. And for commercial autonomous vehicle simulation environments, fidelity to real-time is key when integrating and testing systems components. And Digital Twins that span several commercial and defense industries have requirements to behave exactly as a real system should, sometimes with humans in the loop.


Rob Proctor, Lead Field Application Engineer, RTI